- 哦,要洗一下头吗? Now how about a shampoo?
- 您想洗一下头吗? Do you want a shampoo?
- 您要洗一洗头吗? Would you like a shampoo?
- 哦 to chant
- 你要不要洗一下?浴室在楼上。 Would you like to freshen up? The bathroom is upstairs.
- 你也要洗头吗? Would you like to have a shampoo as well?
- 跟我去逛街,能不能梳一下头和剃一下胡须? When go shopping with me, could you please freshen up your hair and beard?
- 她没有停下来谈话,只是冷冷地点了一下头走了过去。 Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod.
- 要洗头吗? Would you like it washed?
- 我借你的电脑用一下会使你不方便吗? Will it incommode you if I use your computer for a while?
- 这些床单要洗一洗。 These sheets are to be washed.
- 她每转动一下头,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her head she let out a moan.
- 哦,等一等,我还要拿一下皮包。好了,走吧。 Oh, wait. Let me grab my bag. OK, here we go.
- 美国肯德基州的公民依法每年一定要洗一次澡。 Every citizen in Kentucky is required by law to take a bath once a year.
- 你把你的计划跟我们讲一下,方便吗? Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to us?
- 轻轻拍一下头 a pat on the head
- 先生,要洗头吗? Do you want it washed, sir?
- 我必须洗一下。 I must get (have) a wash.
- 夫人,这个要洗吗? Is this for laundry, madam?
- 她肯定地点了一下头。 She nodded her head in affirmation.