- 背景与目的:前列腺素(PG)有刺激妊娠子宫平滑肌收缩的作用,前列腺素H合成酶(PGHS)是合成PG的关键的酶,有两个亚型,稳定型PGHS-1和诱导型PGHS-2。 OBJECTION: Prostaglandin (PG) has long been proven to stimulate contraction of smooth muscle in both pregnant and no pregnant uterus. Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is a key enzyme in PG formation and has two is forms, a constitutive form (PGHS-1) and an inducible form (PGHS-2).
- 前列腺素H PGH; prostaglandin H
- 丝素H链基因 Fibroin heavry-chain gene
- 素 plain
- 前列腺素H合成酶 PGHS; prostaglandin H synthase
- 前列腺分泌前列腺素的腺 The prostate gland.
- 疣孢菌素H Roridin H
- 杆孢菌素H Roridin H
- 前列腺素2 PGE2
- 冬青生菌素H Ilicicolin H
- 血凝素H基因 Hemaggiutinin gene
- 其详细机理及免疫应答的调控是否依赖前列腺素尚待阐明. However,it is unclear about the detailed mechanism and whether the modulation of immune responses is PG dependent.
- 环氧杆孢菌素H Epoxyroridin H
- 双环氧杆孢菌素H Diepoxyroridin H
- 前列腺素E_1对急性呼吸窘迫综合征病人氧供和氧耗的影响 Effects of prostaglandin E_1 on oxygen delivery and consumption in patients with ARDS
- 麻风菌素H皮肤试验 Lepromin H skin test
- 杆孢菌素H,疣孢菌素H Roridin H
- 前列腺素E类 Prostaglandins E
- 细胞周期素H和细胞周期素依赖性激酶7在人乳腺癌组织中的表达及其意义 A study on the expression of cyclin H and CDK 7 in human breast cancer
- 前列腺素F类 Prostaglandins F