- 麻风菌素H皮肤试验 Lepromin H skin test
- 麻风菌素A皮肤试验 Lepromin A skin test
- 麻风菌素皮肤试验 Lepromin skin test
- 人麻风菌素皮肤试验 Lepromin human skin test
- 疣孢菌素H Roridin H
- 素 plain
- 比较两种检测麻风菌鼻携带的方法 Comparison of two methods for detection of M. Leprae nasal carriage
- 丝素H链基因 Fibroin heavry-chain gene
- 麻风菌16s rRNA基因扩增试验的建立 A PCR for 16s rRNA of M.Leprae
- 杆孢菌素H Roridin H
- 云贵川三省麻风菌株基因分型的比较研究 Preliminary study on strain genotyping of Mycobacterium leprae collected from Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou Provinces
- 石蜡包埋组织中麻风菌基因扩增试验初探 Gene Amplification Test of Mycobacterium Leprae in Paraffin- Embedded Tissue
- 头孢菌素类药物临床皮肤过敏试验种类的现状调查 A survey of the category for cephalosporin dermal test
- 巢式聚合酶链反应检测麻风菌利福平耐药基因的研究 Improved detection of Mycobacterium leprae rifampin resistance with nested-PCR
- 冬青生菌素H Ilicicolin H
- 环氧杆孢菌素H Epoxyroridin H
- 头孢菌素 cephalosporin
- 双环氧杆孢菌素H Diepoxyroridin H
- 麻风菌红素 leprotin
- 菌素 rhzomorph