- 那个出租司机想得很乐胃。 The cab driver thought smugly.
- 出租司机不知四季饭店在哪里。 The taxi guy has no idea where Four Seasons is.
- 切尔:(到乔希)个有驾照的司机没事做?上哪去找这么失败的人啊? Cher:( about Josh) A licensed driver with nothing to do? Where would I find such a loser?
- 纽约出租司机罢工 New York Taxi Drivers Go On Strike
- 我要先上哪道菜? Which dishes would you like to be served first?
- 那个出租司机的狐臭真叫人难以忍受。 That cab driver really has the gapo.
- 上哪去买? Where to buy a new lampwick for it?
- 哪几个 which
- 在联欢晚会上大家都非常愉快。 Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening party.
- 译:当然,例外是存在,在美国心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的侍者和无礼的出租司机也不罕见。 There are, of course, exceptions, Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.
- 哪天 when;
- 上模 pattern cope
- 哪家 which
- 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。 Many children under 5 go to nursery school.
- 哪吒 Nezha [a divine warrior in Chinese mythology]
- 按上 push-in
- 通过研究人类大脑是如何导航,科学家称,出租司机耗用不同量的灰白质来辨别:他们现在在那里,他们将到那里去,什么时候他们会到达目的地。 Scientists studying how the human brain navigates say drivers use different bits of their grey matter to identifywhere they are, where they are going and when they have arrived.
- 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。 The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
- 我的天哪! Bless me!
- 壁上的 mural