- 不论你射多少发子弹在伞兵身上,他都不会有任何伤害;反而子弹射光光时,他就会俏然降落而把你干掉! No matter how much you shoot a guy parachuting down, he will never take any damage. And, when he gets down you are out of ammo and he kills you.
- 俏 smart
- 毛骨悚然的 thrilling
- 孜然羊肉 Fried Lamb with Cumin
- 花俏 fancy
- 打情骂俏 slap and tickle
- 未然 possible trouble
- 潸然 in tears; tearful
- 俏的 spruce
- 他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。 He threw his books down with a slam.
- 她擅长设计花俏的包装。 She is good at designing eye-catching packages.
- 尽然 entirely so
- 那个小妞真俏。 That chick is really cute.
- 岿然 lofty
- 戛然 loud cry of a birds
- 她与男友在打情骂俏。 She was flirting with her boyfriend.
- 防患未然 take preventive measures
- 她穿着花俏俗气。 She was loudly dressed.
- 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。 His neighbor slammed the door in his face.
- 行情俏拔行情上涨。 The market has risen.