- 你有纽约的地图吗? Do you have a map of New York?
- 你有北京的地图吗? Do you have a map of Beijing?
- 你有免费的城市地图吗? Do you have a free city map?
- 我们有纽约牛排,菲力牛排,沙郎牛排供您选择。 We've got a choice of New York Steak, filet mignon and sirloin steak.
- 发生断电的城市有纽约、密歇里根州的底特律和俄亥俄州的克利夫兰。 Among the cities darkened were New York, Detroit Michigan and Cleveland Ohio.
- 我想去码头,你有观光地图吗? I want to go to the harbor, have you a guide map?
- 你有没有过怕被你的家人、朋友和你的配偶抛弃的恐惧心理? Do you ever feel the fear of abandonment by your family, friends and your spouse?
- 台北是国家地理频道大城市节目所拍摄的第九个城市,之前有纽约,伦敦,巴黎,孟买,香港,拉斯维加斯,墨西哥城和圣保罗。 Taipei is the ninth city featured by National Geographic's Megacities, following New York, London, Paris, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
- 请问有这个城市的地图吗? May I have a map of the city?
- 这包括是清洁短发还是蓬头散发,你有广泛的选择空间。 There is a wide gamut of clean cut and unkempt
- 你打听过开往纽约的列车班次的时间吗? Did you enquire about the times of the trains to New York?
- 一种你每天无奈地堕入又再涌现的状态于你有什么好处。 What good can you do in a state into which you fall and from which you emerge, helplessly.
- 你会看地图吗? Are you any good at map reading?
- “听着,埃米莉,你到这个地方去,”他一边说,一边递给埃米莉一张写有纽约某人地址的纸条,“把这里所发生的一切都告诉这位女士,告诉她是马克·梅切尔让你来找她的。 "You go," he said, "to this address" -- he gave her the name of somebody in New York -- "and tell the lady there all about it. Tell her Mark Melcher sent you.
- 假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? What work experience,if any,have you had that related your job objectives?
- 谢谢你的关心,我可以从酒店拿到观光地图吗? Thank you for your concern. Can I get a tourist map in the hotel?
- 现在网全体员工祝你有一个快乐的圣诞节,并感谢您这一年来的支持。 A very Merry Xmas from all at Xianzai. Com and thanks for your support throughout the year.
- 你知道我在哪里可以买到地铁地图吗? Do you know where I can buy one Metro map?
- 副上一张简单的地图,可能会对你有用。 I enclose a simple map that may assist you.
- “住在纽约的詹尼弗有太多了。”司机说,“你能告诉我街道的名称吗? "There are multiple listings for Jennifer Smith in New york" the operator said. "Do you have a street name?