- 你收到多少明信片? How many postcards have you received?
- 你收到多少份履历? Mike: How many did you receive?
- 告诉客人你收到多少钱。 Tell the guest how much you received.
- 你收到我的明信片了吗? Did you get my postcard?
- 本通知仅提请注意。” 如果你收到这样的一个请求,你不会不照办的! this note is only a reminder.'If you receive a request like this,you cannot fail to obey it!
- 你收到我的明信片了吗 Did you get my postcard?
- 你1个小时能数到多少? How far can you reckon(up) to in an hour?
- 你收到汇款了吗? Have you received the remittance?
- 他穿的运动鞋已经破有好几个洞了,起不到多少保暖的作用。 The thin sneakers he wore had a few holds in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.
- 请你收好这张汇水单以便日后查对。 Please put away this remittance bill in case you want to check it in the future.
- 你钓到多少鱼? How many fish did you catch?
- 请你收下这个,以作为对你辛苦的一点酬谢。 Would you accept this as a little recompense for all the trouble you have taken?
- 在这次聚会中看不到多少性感的女子。 There's not much crumpet around at this party.
- 如今五英镑买不到多少东西了。 Five pounds doesn't buy much nowadays.
- 另外三件,是坎贝尔太太和我送给你的礼物,你收下这些礼物,会使我们愉快的。 The other three are gifts that Mrs. Campbell and myself would be blithe of your acceptance.
- 我们通常一天收到大约50封信。 On a typical day, we receive about 50 letters.
- 人的寿命能够被延长到多少? How Much Can Human Life Span Be Extended?
- 他昨天收到家里打来的电报。 He received a telegram from home yesterday.
- 给予某物作为收到某物的报答的行为。 the act of giving something in return for something received.
- 近日他收到家中来鸿,让他回家过年。 Several days before, he had received a letter from his family who asked him to return for the Spring Festival.