- 你得到那份工作了?太好了。 You got the job? Nice one!
- 坦白说,我认为你得到那份工作的机会并不很大。 Frankly,I don't think your chances of getting the job are very good.
- 希望你明天的面谈表现完美,我祝你得到那份工作。 Break a leg tomorrow at your job interview. I hope that you get the job.
- “你得到那份工作了吗?”“没门儿啊。” 'Did you get that job?' 'No dice.'
- 你得到那份工作,真是太幸运了。 You were dead lucky to get that job.
- 当你得到这个爱、接受你自己的爱时,这个光芒变得愈发亮丽了。 See the light getting strong and brighter as you receive and accept your own love.
- 我终于能再做那份工作了。 I finally got around to the job again.
- 那孩子长大了,原来的衬衫已经穿不下了,你得给他买件新的。 The kid has burst out of the shirt; you'll have to buy him a new one.
- 你可别再游手好闲了,也该找份工作了吧。 It's high time you stopped fooling around and started looking for a job.
- "(但)你知道所有这一切之后,你得到一个上好的大突破,这是尼斯" (But) you know that after all that, you get a nice big break, which is nice.
- 他对那份新工作很快便失去了兴趣。 His interest in his new job soon began to pall.
- 你得到这样的机会,可不是常有的事。 It is not often that you get such an opportunity.
- 他很想辞去那份工作。 He has a good mind to quit that job.
- 要是你替他说句好话,他就更有可能得到这份工作了。 If you put in a good word for him,he's all the more likely to get the job.
- 那件东西编结得太糟了,你编结中有许多错误,也许你得重新开始。 That knitting is no good. You've made a whole lot of mistakes; perhaps you should start again.
- 他不能胜任自己那份工作。 He is incompetent at his job.
- 每个银行的规定不一,你得到当地的银行问清梦,但大面额的提款一般是提前一两天就行了。 The regulation of every bank is differ, you get local bank asks Qing Meng, but the drawing of bedding face forehead is to shift to an earlier date 9 days to go commonly.
- 恐怕他维持不住他那份工作了。 He would not be able to keep his job.
- 这两个城市离的很员,你得坐飞机准时到那。 The distance between the two cities is significant, so you will have to fly to get there on time.
- 他没什么希望获得那份工作。 He has small hope of getting the job.