- 你以为我是笨蛋吗? Do you take me for a dunce?
- 辛格:你以为我不想去呼吸新鲜空气吗?我是没办法才困在桌边。 Singer: You don't think I want to go out for fine and nice air? I have to confine my self to the desk.
- 如果你以为我是在梅尔夫人的撺掇下订婚的,那你完全错了。 If you mean that Madame Merle has had anything to do with my engagement you're greatly mistaken.
- 拜托!你以为我是这肤浅的人吗?!你以为我选女朋友只会在乎外表? Please, you think I'm such a superficial person?! You think I would choose a girlfriend base on looks?
- 我爱你翘着小鼻子看着我,似乎在想我是笨蛋。 I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you are looking at me like I'm nuts.
- 你以为我可欺吗? Do you see any green in my eye?
- 你以为我是个傻瓜吗? Do you take me for a fool?
- 你以为我是白痴! You think of me as an idiot!
- 你以为我会借给你50英镑, 你准是疯了! You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50!
- 我自以为我是知道这这沙滩的唯一的人,当看到有别人在这里时心里很不高兴。 As I believed I was the only person who knew about this beach, the sight of someone else on it annoyed me very much.
- “你以为我是傻瓜?”她反问道。 'Do you think I'm stupid?' she asked rhetorically.
- 你以为我发财了吗? Do you think I just inherited a fortune?
- 安以为我是苏格兰人,但我马上纠正了她。 Ann thought I was Scottish but I soon put her right.
- 你以为我是一个愚昧无知的野人 You think I'm an ignorant savage
- 你以为这全是精心策划的、要捉住我的圈套吗? Do you suppose it's all an elaborate scheme to collar me?
- 好啊,那么你以为我是个傻瓜吧。 All right,so you think I am a fool.
- 天呀!你以为我在骗你吗? By golly! You think I'm kidding you?
- 我不希望我家人以为我是个失败者。 I don't want my family to think I'm a loser.
- 你以为我会在乎吗. 我管你个屁 You say that like I care. I don't give a shit.
- 在信上写上比实际要早的日期,这样她会以为我是上个月写的。 Backdate the letter so she'll think I wrote it last mouth.