- 你以为我发财了吗? Do you think I just inherited a fortune?
- 你以为我会打你这种人吗?这样会脏了我的手。 Do you think I would hit someone like you? I wouldn't dirty my hands on you.
- “我发财了!”她在他的鼻子下面舞动着钞票喊道。 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose.
- 如果你以为我是在梅尔夫人的撺掇下订婚的,那你完全错了。 If you mean that Madame Merle has had anything to do with my engagement you're greatly mistaken.
- 你也不要以为我很笨啊!只要你一关掉电筒,我不就被搁在半空了吗? What, do you think I'm stupid? You'll just turn off the flashlight when I'm halfwaythere.
- 你以为我可欺吗? Do you see any green in my eye?
- 你以为我是个傻瓜吗? Do you take me for a fool?
- 你以为我会付款未免太自作聪明了吧? Rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?
- 你以为我会相信那事吗?见鬼! You expect me to buy that story? Flush it!
- 你以为我想越狱? You think I want to break out of here?
- 你以为这果子冻已经硬得可以吃了吗? Do you think this jelly's firm enough to eat yet?
- 你以为我有什么事做不出的! I should not restrain myself, not at all!
- 我起先并不知道你兄弟从澳大利亚回来了,因此当他走进房间时,我以为我搞错了。 I didn't know your brother was back from Australia and when he walked into the room I thought I was seeing things.
- 你以为你骗得了导师,可是我要提醒你,他为人非常精明。 You think you can kid your tutor,but I warn you he's not fool.
- 你以为我是傻子吗? Do you take me a fool?
- 你以为我会借给你50英镑, 你准是疯了! You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50!
- 你以为我是笨蛋吗? Do you take me for a dunce?
- 你以为我喉头挨了那火辣辣的一拳,就一走了事? Do you suppose I'm going with that blow burning in my gullet?
- 你以为我是一个傻瓜吗? Do you take me for a fool?
- 好啊,那么你以为我是个傻瓜了吧。 All right, so you think I am a fool.