- 今晚想去看电影吗? Would you like to see the movie this evening ?
- 你今晚想去看电影吗? Do you fancy going to see a movie tonight?
- 贝丝,你今晚愿意跟我去看电影吗? ? Beth, would you like to go to a movie with me tonight?
- 美玉:你今晚想去采购吗? Mei-yu: Do you want to go shopping tonight?
- 今晚你想去看电影吗?开什么玩笑?明天就是我这个项目的最后期限了。 Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Are you kidding? Tomorrow is the deadline for my project.
- “你今晚想出去吗?”“我随便,由你决定吧。” "Do you want to go out tonight?" "I'm easy; it's up to you."
- 嘿,你今晚想出去玩一下吗?明白我的意思吗? Hey, do you want to go out tonight and have a lot of fun? Catch my drift?
- "你去不去看电影?" "随便好啦。" "Would you like to go to the cinema?" "I'm not bothered."
- 今晚想去跳舞吗? Do you want to go dancing tonight?
- 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙 I can not go to the movie - - I am up to my eyebrow
- 理察邀请谭雅去看电影。 Richard invited Tanya to a movie.
- 你今晚想下馆子吗? Do you feel like eating out tonight?
- 你要去看电影吗? You want to go to see a movie?
- 你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight.
- "我们去看电影好吗?" "好的。" "Shall we go to the movie?" "All right."
- 我要你今晚去。我要你和这个电影大亨谈谈,把强尼的事摆平。若没有其他事我想去参加我女儿的婚礼了。 Tonight. I want you to talk to this movie big shot and settle this business for Johnny. If there's nothing else, I'd like to go to my daughter's wedding.
- 我不想独自一人去看电影,是不是一块去? I don't want to go to the film on my own; Shall we go together?
- 您想去看京剧吗? Would you like to see a Peking opera?
- "你今晚想出去吗?" "我随便,由你决定吧。" "Do you want to go out tonight?" "I'm easy; it's up to you."
- 你永不会看到兰斯带妹妹去看电影。 You won't catch Lance dead taking his sister to the movies.