- 但到了最后 每一次。 But then, at the very end, every time, .
- 哈斯早早地破了高迪奥的发球局,这一次,他把领先优势保持到了最后。 Haas broke the Argentine early and, this time, he refused to relinquish the lead.
- 每一次分别都让我们预先尝到了死亡的的滋味;每一次重聚都使我们预先尝到了复活的滋味。 Every parting gives a foretaste of death; every coming together again a foretaste of the resurrection.
- 在夏天它是一种山地鸟,但到了冬天它会降落到海平面。 In the summer it is a bird of the uplands, but descends down to sea level in winter.
- 每一次分别都让我们预先尝到了死亡的的滋味;每一次重聚都使我们预先尝到了复活的滋味。 Every parting gives a foretaste of death; every coming together again a foretasteof the resurrection.
- 开始时,财政收入和富人的财力至少还可 以在意大利各地修建堂皇的私人建筑或公家建筑,但到了最后,由于管理不善,财力日渐缩小,以致无法使已有的建筑免于颓败。 In the beginning, the public revenues, and the resources of rich individuals, sufficed at least to cover Italy with splendid edifices, public and private;but at length so dwindled under the enervating influences of misgovernment, that what remained was not even sufficient to keep those edifices from decay.
- 在那里的每一刻都充满了欢乐,这是我记忆中玩得最开心的一次。 Every moment was a delight; I can't remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly anywhere!
- 尽管他在议会里还能冒充北方人,但到了利兹就是个南方人了。 He might pass as a northerner in Westminster, but he would be a southerner in Leeds.
- 他三次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。 He asked her to go to the movies three times, and each time she rejected him.
- 这张申请表正好赶在了最后截止期限前到了,因为十分钟以后它可就不算数了。 The application wa in under the wire.Another ten minutes and it would not have counted.
- 每一条街是一条口香糖,反复咀嚼,但不要一次吃光。 Every street is a stick of chewing gum: chew it repeatedly, but don't eat it up at a mouthful.
- 他并不想说出你名字,但到了警察局,他们逼他说了出来。 He didn't want to mention your name but,by going to the police,they forced his hand.
- 他最后一次出猎打到了几只野鸭。 He brought down several wild ducks on his last hunting trip.
- 到了早上,每一只金丝雀都因受惊吓而死。 In the morning every canary was dead of fright.
- 昨天是朱丽叶的纪念日。她通过了最后一次考试并获悉她已被大学录取了。 Yesterday was red letter day for Julie; she passed the last of her exams and heard that she had been accepted for university.
- 年轻时他体格健壮,但到了五十五岁左右,身体就逐渐差了。 As a young man he was very athletic, but by his middle fifties he was just an old crock.
- 好几次,他答应带她去跳舞,但每一次都说话不算话。 He promised to take her dancing many times, but each time, he broke his word.
- 但到这时,一百年刚刚过去,刺玫瑰再度醒来的日子到了。 But by this time the hundred years had just passed, and the day had comewhen briar-rose was to awake again.
- 2000年的今天,音乐剧《猫》在百老汇进行了最后的一次演出。 Last performance of the musical Cats (musical) on Broadway.
- 这计划刚开始时非常热心,但到了夏天,兴趣就渐渐消减了。 The project jumped off with great enthusiasm but interest flagged during the summer.