- 我不理解他的用意何在。 I couldn't figure out what he was hinting at.
- 他说那些话的用意何在,没有人知道。 his intent was to provide a new translation; it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs; he made no secret of his designs.
- 他的用意何在? What's he driving at?
- 哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合不来。水火不相容,别白费力气。 Oh,he means well,but he's not my sort. Oil and water don't mix,no good trying.
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。 John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.
- 你的用意何在? What are you aiming at?
- 你那么说用意何在? What's your motive for saying that?
- 他的工资一经扣除了所得税和保险金,能拿回家的也就不多了。 His pay isn't much to take home once it has had tax and insurance payments docked off.
- 我摸不清你的用意何在。 I am rather hazy as to what your purpose is.
- 他把父亲留给他的钱半数投放在这种低级的冒险事业上。 In this particular tin-pot venture he'd sunk half the sum left him by his father.
- 你用意何在?你这话是什么意思? What are you trying to do,explain,etc? What do you mean by saying so?
- 他的直率行为说明他是个诚实的人,可是有些人却认为他粗鲁。 His forthright behaviour shows that he's honest, but he seems rude to some people.
- 从她的话中听不出她的用意何在。 It does not appear from her remarks what end she has in view.
- 我发现了他写给简的一些信, 赫然了解了他的为人[他居心何在]. I tumbled to him/to what he was up to when I found some of his letters to Jane
- 他们编造这些情节的用意何在? What purpose would there be in their inventing these stories?
- 只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
- 只见他的躯体正在以一种不同寻常的力量向前移动,但他的心灵何在呢? There was his body, moving onward, and with an unaccustomed force. But where was his mind?
- 我倒想知道他的行动用意何在。 I should like to know what his action imports.
- 波莉知道自己受到监视,即使母亲始终保持沉默,她的用意还是不言而喻的。 Polly knew that she was being watched but still her mother's persistent silence could not be misunderstood.
- 他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。 All admired his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships.