- 他是怎么样的一个人? What is he like?
- 是这样,我就是想看看他是怎么样的人来满足我的好奇心让我不再想这个问题 I just wanna see what he's like and satisfy my curiosity and get it out of my system
- 他是这样的一个人,他有过很多钱,可都随意地花光了。 He was a man who had plenty of money ,who spent it freely .
- 记者:他是怎么样的一个角色? Interviewer: What kind of character is he (Alphonse Haidelihi)?
- 我爱你不是因为你是怎么样的人,而是我喜欢与你在一起的我自己。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of I am when I am with you.
- 嗯,虽然我没见过他,但我能想像出他是怎样的一个人了。 Well,though I haven't seen him,I can imagine what kind of person he is.
- 它们已经引发了多次热烈的讨论,但仅停留于这是怎么样的东西,喜欢或者不喜欢。 They get a lot of flak but it's how things are, like it or not
- 他是那么讨厌的一个人,被他看上了才叫倒霉呢。 For he is such a disagreeable man that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him.
- 从一个人的小汽车就能知道他是个什么样的人。 You can tell a man by the car he keeps.
- 条件是你觉得自己是怎么样的人,你对自己的看法怎么样,这样就是一个成功的经理。 Leadership is depended on who you think you are and what you can do.
- 他是我遇到的人中最阴险狡诈的一个。 He was the most insidious person I had ever struck.
- 当一个人喝醉了的时候,就说他是“onthebeer”。 When a man is in a fuddled state it is said that "he is on the beer".
- 她想知道收养他的父母是怎么样的人、他们住在哪里、婴儿长得会像谁。 She wondered what his adoptive parents were like, where they lived, and what the baby was growing to look like.
- 从一个人的外表我们怎么能知道他是坦率的呢! How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance!
- 活着离开战俘集中营的人很少,他是其一的一个。 He was among the few who managed to live through the experiences in the enemy prison camp.
- 你觉得自己是怎么样的一个人?外向还是拘谨保守? What kind of person do you think you are, outgoing or reserved?
- 只要你不惹着他,他是一个很好相处的人。 He is a friendly sort of person so long as you don't rub him the wrong way.
- 法官对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。 The judge told the murderer that he was a monster.
- 他的举止暗示他是一个有教养的人。 His behavior was suggestive of a cultured man.
- 我要的是这样的一个人他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后率领部队前进。 I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it.