- 什么事导致他辞职的? What led him to resign his office?
- 那件事导致他被指控"做伪证"和"妨碍司法公正"而遭到弹劾。 That affair led to his impeachment over charges of lying under oath and obstructing justice
- 他辞职的决定令人失望,可是事已至此,伤心也无用,我们需把精力放到寻找接替他的人上。 His decision to resign was disappointing, but it's no use crying over spilt milk. We need to concentrate on finding someone to replace him.
- 那件事导致了家庭的破裂。 The incident led to the disruption of the family.
- 是什么原因使他辞职的? What caused him to quit his job?
- 这件事导致整个社会都受此影响,为此,我的心情非常沮丧。 This matter has deteriorated to the extend that society as a whole has been affected by this. And in this regard, I am deeply saddened.
- 面对这样的指责,许多人都会辞职的,然而他却留下并硬是挺了过来。 A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.
- 他耳聪目明,什么事都很难瞒住他。 He is very perceptive and nothing can be hidden from him.
- 这一丑闻导致他辞职。 The scandal led to him resigning.
- 我问他出了什么事时,他一无所知。 He was a little vague when I asked what had happened.
- 什么原因使他辞职的? What caused him to quit his job?
- 直到他告诉我我才意识到出了什么事。 I didn't realize what had happened till he told me.
- 他辞职的理由是什么 What was the reason for his resignation?
- 不管发什么事,他都坚持自己的信念。 He sticks by his beliefs no matter what happened.
- 他辞职的消息使每个人都感到十分吃惊。 The news of his resignation came as a surprise to one and all.
- 他一脸迷惑地问我刚才发生了什么事。 With a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened.
- 他辞职的消息使全公司都感到震惊。 He shocked the whole company by resigning.
- 韦佛先生正在谈事。你见他有什么事? Mr. Weaver is in conference just now. What do you wish to see him about?
- 首相不愿就关于他辞职的传闻作评价。 The minister declined to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
- 有他那样的扫帚星,什么事都难办成功 "With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished"