- 一致Lipschitz条件 Uniformly lipschitz
- 基于一类积分不等式的非线性微分系统的一致Lipschitz稳定性 Uniform Lipschitz stability of nonlinear differential systems based on an integral inequality
- 一致Lipschitz映象 uniformly L- Lipschitzian mapping
- Lipschitz条件 Lipschitz condition
- 一致Lipschitz映像 uniformly L-Lipschitz mapping
- 非Lipschitz条件 non-Lipschitz condition
- 一类具有Lipschitz条件的增生型变分包含解的存在性与逼近性问题 Existence and approximation problems of solutions to a class of variational inclusions with Lipschitz condition
- 在此条件下 with this understanding
- 约束条件 constraint condition
- 广义Lipschitz条件 generalized Lipschitz condition
- 我的想法和你是一致的。 My ideas are in step with yours.
- 这门与门框的尺寸不一致。 The door is not true to the frame.
- 在这个条件下 on this condition
- 这项决议案被一致通过。 The resolution was approved without dissent.
- 你的行为和你所说的不一致。 Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.
- 在同等条件下 on even ground
- 她的意见和你不一致。 Her opinions jar with yours.
- 局部Lipschitz条件 Local Lipschitz condition
- 理论应与实践相一致。 Theory should consist with practice.
- 我们接受了新的条件。 We accepted the new terms.