- 非Lipschitz条件 non-Lipschitz condition
- 非Lipschitz条件下倒向随机微分方程 BSDE with non Lipschitz coefficient
- 非 not-
- 一类非时齐非Lipschitz条件下带跳的倒向随机微分方程的适应解及比较定理 Adapted Solutions and Comparison Theorem of a Class of BSDE with Jumps under Non-Time-Homogeneous and Non-Lipschitz Conditions
- Lipschitz条件 Lipschitz condition
- 一类具有Lipschitz条件的增生型变分包含解的存在性与逼近性问题 Existence and approximation problems of solutions to a class of variational inclusions with Lipschitz condition
- 前提条件 precondition
- 不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 非对称 asymmetric
- 生活条件 living conditions
- 非标 nonstandard
- 一致Lipschitz条件 Uniformly lipschitz
- 满足条件 meet a condition
- 非处方药 non-prescribed medicine
- 非标准 non-standard
- 边界条件 boundary conditions
- 非比寻常 unusual
- 在此条件下 with this understanding
- 约束条件 constraint condition
- 非标准的 nonstandard