- “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。 "How came you to think of him?" said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration.
- “你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。 "How came you to think of him?" said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration.
- 当然她自己也不明白她怎么会想到这一点的,可是她开始打心眼里讨厌他。 Of course, she had no understanding of what put it into her head, but, nevertheless, it aroused in her the first shade of real antipathy to him.
- 我不知道你怎么会住在这里。要是我的话,每次踏出家门,我都会吓得要死。 I don't know how you can live here. I'd be in fear of my life every time I stepped outside the door.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 你怎么会认识他的? How does it happen that you know him?
- 他的举止如常,无论谁看见了他,也决不会想到他病了。 He bore himself as erect as ever, and no one looking at him would have dreamed that he was stricken.
- 你怎么会因为如此可笑的借口而得到原谅呢? How can you be excused for such a silly reason?
- 他的举止如常,无论谁看见了他,也决不会想到他病了。 He bore himself as erect as ever, and no one looking at him would have dreamed that he was stricken.
- 你怎么能怀疑他的考试成绩呢?他确是班里的尖子生。 How can you doubt of his scores? He is really the top student in his class.
- 你怎么会那么傻? How can you be so stupid?
- 想到他不出台会使他的同事多么狼狈,他心头充满野蛮的快意。 It gave him savage pleasure to think how his partners would sweat if he didn't show up.
- 你怎么会那么想呢? How did you get that way?
- 不管你怎么说,我还是断言他的报告是真实的。 In spite of all you say,I still aver that his report is true.
- 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢? How in the world do you expect me to know him?
- 你怎么会来得这么早? How can you come here in such good time?
- 你怎么能只听他的一面之词就批评我呢。 How can you criticize me after hearing his one-sided statement?
- 没有人会想到他这场比赛会赢,出乎意料的结局让他的教练和队友们都大吃一惊。 No one expected him to win the race, and his Garrison finish surprised his coach as well as his teammates.
- 你怎么会认识杰克的? How comes it that you know Jack?
- 没有人会想到他这场比赛会赢,出乎意料的结局让他的教练和队友们都大吃一惊. No one expected him to win the race, and his Garrison finish surprised his coach as well as his teammates.