- β-MnO2纳米棒 β-MnO2 nanorods
- 过渡元素钼掺杂氧化钨纳米棒的合成 Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Nanorods Doped with Transition Metal Molybdenum
- 离子液体中CuO纳米棒的制备与结构表征 Preparation of CuO Nanorods in Ionic Liquid and Structure Characterization
- 热氧化磁控溅射金属锌膜制备ZnO纳米棒 ZnO Nanorods Synthesized Through Thermal Oxidation of Metal Zinc Thin Film Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering
- 纳米MnO2 nano-MnO2
- 水热法制备硫化镉(CdS)纳米颗粒和纳米棒 Preparation of CdS nanoparticles and nanorods with hydrothermal method
- 圆棒 round bar
- 无定形纳米MnO2 nano- MnO2
- "我是这公司最棒的秘书。" -- "我才不信呢。" "I'm the best secretary in the company." "Says you."
- 纳米结构ε-MnO2 nanostructured ε-MnO2
- 室温固相化学反应合成表面修饰的碘化铅纳米棒 Synthesis of Surface-Modified Lead Iodide Nanorods by Room Temperature Solid-state Reaction
- 制备的纳米MnO2与电解二氧化锰(EMD)相比,在-0.4V处,其放电容量高出52%。 Compared with EMD, the discharge capacity of the sample after thermal-acidified treatment is about 52%25 larger than that of EMD at -0.4 V.
- 纳米棒 nanorods
- 锡纳米棒 Tin nanorod
- ZnS纳米棒 ZnS nanorod
- 纳米凹凸棒 nano attapulgite
- 纳米凹凸棒石 nano attapulgite
- 纳米凹凸棒土 Nano-meter Attapulgite
- 棒状纳米氧化锌 Bar-like nano ZnO
- 电解法制备纳米铜棒的研究 Study on electrolytic preparation of nanometric copper rod