- 无定形纳米MnO2 nano- MnO2
- 无 none
- 无法 unable
- 用固相合成法制备纳米MnO2,作为超级电容器材料,通过循环伏安、交流阻抗与恒电流充放电等测试手段对MnO2电极进行分析. The nanophase MnO2 was synthesized by solid- phase reaction as elec trode material for electrochemical supercapacitor and the MnO2 electrode was tes ted by cyclic voltammetry(CV),electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) and c onstant charge- discharge curves.
- 无定形 amorphism
- 无标题 no title
- 无定形MnO2 amorphous manganese oxide
- 无定形水合MnO2 amorphous hydrous MnO2
- 摘要系统考察了影响碳化法制备无定形硅铝孔结构的因素。 Factors influencing pore structure of amorphous silica-alumina prepared by carbonization were investigated.
- 过上几个小时无定形硫就会转变成结晶的单斜硫,它的弹性也会消失。 In a few hours the amorphous sulfur reverts to small rhombic crystals and its rubbery property disappears.
- 本品为白色粉末,由无定形颗粒或针状颗粒组成。不溶于水,溶于酸和强碱溶液。 ZnO is a kind of white powder, which consists of infinitive form particle or needle-like particle, it is insoluble in water, soluble in acid and alkali solution.
- 该变压器是按350kW的功率级设计的,并且用无定形铁心材料和同轴绕组制成。 The transformer is designed for a power level of 350 kW and is realized with amorphous core material and coaxialwindings .
- 微乳液法制备无定形纳米二氧化硅 The preparation of amorphous silica nanoparticls by microemulsion method
- 本文报道氯化和氢化的无定形硅(a-Si:H:Cl)样品的拉曼谱和红外谱的测量结果. The measurements and identification of Raman and infrared spectra of a-Si:H :Clare reported.
- 无定形碳 amorphous carbon
- 无定形硅 amorphous silica
- 无定形磷 amorphous phosphorus
- 无定形硫 amorphous sulfur
- 无定形硼 amorphous boron
- 无定形基体 amorphous matrix