- Criminal Law Defense Witness as "Accomplice": should the Trial Judge Give a "Care and Caution" Instruction? 防止犯人成为“共犯”:主审法官是否应该给予“关心和警告”的提示?
- To avoid too many appeals, a trial judge often seeks informal advice from a judge in a higher court. 为了避免太多的上诉案件,一审法官常常私下向上一级法院法官征求意见。
- But as said by Penlington JA, it is essentially a matter for the trial judge or magistrate. 本案的第一项控罪,最高刑罚其实是两年,詹大律师的陈词指在这类案件中,本案不是最严重。
- Generally, tracks are laid, marked, and mapped on the day previous to the tracking trial by the trial judge or steward. 一般来说,气味轨迹的铺设、标记会在比赛前一天由裁判或赛事管理员完成。
- The trial judge renders his decisions at the people's level. It is in the trial courts that the law is made alive and its words are given meaning. 一审法官是在直接与人民接触的最基层作出判决的。正是在一审法庭,法律被赋于生命,法律条文有了意义。
- During his time at Ole Miss, he worked as a staff attorney for a trial judge and subsequently taught at Alcorn State University. 后来任教于奥尔康州立大学。
- Black Mountain 布莱克山(又名黑山)
- The main reason that the trial judge declined to issue an injunction was not undue hardship to the cement company, but rather the central role of the plant in the local economy. 审判官否决颁发禁令的主要原因不是因为水泥公司的过分艰难,而是因为该厂在地方经济中所发挥的骨干作用。
- As a practical matter, the ALJ may have greater affirmative responsibility than a trial judge to assure that a full and accurate record is developed at the hearing. 实际上,行政法法官较之审判法官有更大的积极确认责任以确保听证中逐步展开并产生完整和准确的记录。
- The parties agreed that any dispute as to the question of privilege attaching to the documents sought to be produced would be left to the trial judge to decide. 双方亦同意如就上述文件是否涉及法律专业特权问题有任何争议,则由主审法官作出裁定。
- But the Watch Committee in arriving at their decision considered (inter alia) his own statement in evidence and the observations made by the trial judge. 但公安委员会在作出该决定时考虑了被告本人的证词,以及初审法官的意见。
- The trial judge said that, taking into account the age of Nuevo Leon, and the guilty plea and criminal records, the actual sentence will be reduced to 18. 主审法官说,考虑到莱昂的年龄、认罪态度和犯罪记录,实际服刑期将减至18年。
- More recently, in Kumho Tire Co. v.Carmichael12, the Court held that Daubert's reliability requirement and the trial judge's gatekeeping role apply to all expert testimony. 最近,在锦湖轮胎诉卡迈克尔案件中12,法庭判定多伯特案的(医学证词)可靠性要求和审判法官的守门人作用适用于所有专家证词。
- More recently, in Kumho Tire Co..Carmichael12, the Court held that Daubert's reliability requirement and the trial judge's gatekeeping role apply to all expert testimony. 最近,在锦湖轮胎诉卡迈克尔案件中12,法庭判定多伯特案的(医学证词)可靠性要求和审判法官的守门人作用适用于所有专家证词。
- "Although we find no evidence of actual bias,we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously tainted the proceedings before the District Court and called into question the integrity of the judicial process,''the court added. 判决书还说:尽管还没有事实证据能够证明他确实对微软怀有偏见,但我们认为杰克逊法官的行为严重玷污了地区法院的声誉,使人们对司法程序的公正性产生怀疑。
- However, the APA makes clear that the agency heads are not required to defer to the ALJ's factfinding in the same way that an appellate court must defer to the trial judge's factual determinations. 然而,《行政程序法》明确规定,不要求机关长官以和上诉法院必须遵从初审法官的事实决定的同样方式遵从行政法法官的事实认定。
- "Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously tainted the proceedings before the District Court and called into question the integrity of the judicial process" the court added. 判决书还说:"尽管还没有事实证据能够证明他确实对微软怀有偏见,但我们认为杰克逊法官的行为严重玷污了地区法院的声誉,使人们对司法程序的公正性产生怀疑。"
- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- Procedural Posture: Appellants were convicted, but the trial judge suspended their sentence for 25 years on the condition that they leave Virginia and not return together for 25 years. 程序:上诉人被判有罪,但审判法官中止了25年刑期,条件是他们离开弗州,25年内不再返回。
- The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial. 飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。