- Do not succumb to social pressures. 别屈服于社会压力。
- Social pressures impinged on Mary's daily life. 繁忙的社交活动影响到玛丽的日常生活。
- When social pressures become too great,he completely disconnects. 当社会压力太大时,他完全离群索居。
- Laws are ordinarily enacted as the result of social pressures and problems. 法律的制定通常是社会压力和社会问题的结果。
- Social pressures, such as ridicule or misunderstanding from peers, can damage self-esteem and threaten a marriage. 来自社会的压力,譬如同辈的嘲讽或误解,是会伤及自尊和威胁到婚姻的。
- The causes of karoshi: the economic and social transform, growing competition, growing social pressures and imperfect medical security system. 过劳死的原因是经济社会转型、竞争加剧、社会压力增大和医疗社会保障制度不健全。
- Both excessive social pressures and the accessibility of credit may encourage people who are already struggling to make unnecessary purchases. 过多的社会压力和容易取得信贷可能在鼓励那些苦苦努力去买些非必需品的人们。
- Abstract:The perceived pay-offs of a given cultural trait may be clouded by political rhetoric and by social pressures that discourage honest expression. 某一文化特性的可预见的后果,可能会因抑制诚实言论的政治言辞和社会压力而变得暗淡。
- What's more,social pressure often compounds biological vulnerability. 而且,社会压力经常增加男孩生物学上的脆弱性。
- As we argue for ethical choices, we are aware that social pressures, resulting from oblivious prejudices as well as from expectations of powerful partners, can make a moral choice difficult. 在面对伦理选择时,我们知道,由具有影响力的合作伙伴的期望和潜在的偏见所造成的社会压力,使伦理选择变得非常困难。
- Honestly comes from social pressure, and meanwhile, helps to maintain a stable social environment. 诚实来源于社会压力,同时有利于社会安定。
- Honesty comes from social pressure, at the same time; it is beneficial to the security of society. 诚实来自于社会压力,同时有利于社会安定。
- Due to the increasing social pressure,many people suffer the degression of sleeping quality,even insomnia. 留学解答资讯网:由于社会生活压力越来越大,很多人的睡眠质量开始下降,甚至出现失眠的症状。
- The system prides itself on learning about problems as they arise and relieving social pressure before it erupts. 这个体系对问题出现后尽早了解情况和在爆发前缓解社会压力感到自豪。
- If any man performed particularly well or badly, it became village gossip, a strong social pressure for good behavior. 如果有人表现特别好或特别坏,就变成村里的闲谈话题,这有助于因强大的社会压力而行为端正。
- Modern women face social pressure, family responsibilities, more often than menAnd more vulnerable. 现代女性面临社会的竞争压力,家庭的责任,往往比男性更加脆弱。
- Conclusion: whether to choose a DINK family or not has to follow your own heart rather than make it to please your parents or rise to social pressure. 总结:选不选丁克家庭要问问自己的心而不是为了取悦父母或应对社会压力去做
- But the social pressure for pious ladies to cover their heads, and generally behave in a conservative way, is overwhelming in places like Erzurum. 但是在诸如埃尔祖鲁姆等地区,对虔诚的妇女们而言,要求她们遮掩头部且举止大体保守的社会压力则是压倒一切的。
- The act of pledging may create some social pressure or social support that helps them to follow through with their clearly stated public intention. 马蹄诺补充道:“对于那些不想太快发生性行为的人来说,立下童贞誓约可以为他们提供额外的动力。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。