- In this paper the author gives some bits of experience in engineering surveying research work with a view of scientific methodology. 在本文中作者以科学方法论的观点,谈述了在工程测量研究工作中的点滴体会。
- The scientific methodology of the economics should be dialectical union of induction and deduction, verification and falsification, logic and history, positivism and norm. 经济学方法的出路应该是归纳和演绎,证实和证伪,逻辑与历史,实证与规范的辩证统一。
- The application of complicated systemic nonlinearity scientific methodology may improve the development of cerebropathy subject in traditional Chinese medicine. 应用复杂系统非线性科学方法论,有可能促进中医脑病学科的发展。
- Under these premises,materials of the thoughts of scientific methodology have integrated and interacted with each other by the end of the middle ages,which give birth to the... 在此基础上,科学方法论的思想要素在中世纪晚期结合并相互渗透,最终形成了作为近代科学方法论思想的灵魂的数学理性、逻辑理性和实验理性。
- With proper attitude and scientific methodology English learning does not enslaves us in it but enables us to gain knowledge, express ourselves and exchange our idea. 一:以正确的态度、科学的方法学习英语,让英语成为我们表达意念、交流思想和学习文化知识的工具,而不是我们成为学习英语的奴隶。
- Scientific methodology cherishes guiding significance for mankind activities to explore and change the world, and the same goes on scientific researches. 摘要方法论对于人类探索自然改造自然的社会实践活动无疑起着非常重要的指导作用,科学研究同样也离不开方法论。
- Compare areca of scientific methodological give up. ? 有没有比较科学的方法戒槟榔啊.;?
- On the basis of the retrospective exploring of the formation and development of modern petrology, this paper discusses some dialectical problems on the study of modern petrology systematically, the contents include scientific methodology and epistemology. 本文在回顾现代岩石学形成与发展的基础上,系统地探讨了现代岩石学研究中的若干辩证问题,内容涉及科学认识论和方法论两大主题。
- According to the ICAO-advocated scientific methodology and characteristics of China, China's ATC Safety Management System needs to be established pertinently, systematically and completely. 按照国际民航组织(ICAO)倡导的科学方法论的理念,结合我国实际,建构具有适切性、系统性、整体性特征的我国空管安全管理体系。
- With proper attitude and scientific methodology we master English which does not enslave us in studying it but enables us to gain knowledge, express ourselves and exchange our idea. 以正确的态度、科学的方法掌握英语,让英语成为我们表达意念、交流思想和学习文化知识的工具,而不是我们成为学习英语的奴隶。
- Pay close attention to the philosophical problem in scientific domain, it is one of inchoate trailblazer of facilities of research of scientific methodology of the our country after founding a state. 关注科学领域中的哲学问题,是建国后我国科学方法论研究事业的早期开拓者之一。
- On Professor Chou Pei-yuan's scientific methodology 周培源先生学术思想初探
- Empiricism and quantitative tradition of educational research: constructing the numerology of scientific methodologies. 经验主义与教育研究的量化传统:建构科学方法论的数字学。
- The scientific theory of thinking and working methodology established by Mao Zedong is a scientifically methodological theory system. 摘要毛泽东创立的思想方法、工作方法的科学理论,是一个科学的方法理论体系。
- It is possible and necessary to build Mao Zedong methodology, the scientifically methodological theory system into a separate discipline. 把这一科学的方法理论系统作为一门独立的学科-毛泽东方法建立起来,很有必要和可能。
- A true scientific law admits of no exception. 真正的科学定律不允许有例外。
- They planned to organize a scientific expedition. 他们计划组织一次科学考察。
- We all support his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。
- His biography is a saga of scientific research. 他的传记就是一部科研记实。
- He is enamoured with scientific research. 他沉迷于科学研究。