- Man, she is stoned out of her mind on schoolboy scotch! 啊呀,她被葡萄酒醉得不省人事了。
- She want some scotch tape, but he have not get any. 她想要一些透明胶带,但他没有。
- The schoolboy made a face at his teacher's back. 那个男生对着教师的背后做个鬼脸。
- schoolboy Scotch n. 葡萄酒
- Look here, do you think you can treat me like a schoolboy? 听着!你以为可以像对待一个小学生那样来对待我吗?
- Anyway, there never was any one more Scotch in this wide world. 不管怎样,普天之下没有人比他更像一个苏格兰人了。
- Even a schoolboy could manage (ie write) a better story than that. 连小学生写的故事都比那个好。
- How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon? 我怎么能分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?
- He ordered a large double Scotch from the bar man. 他向酒吧服务员要了大杯双人份苏格兰威士忌。
- After all he is still a schoolboy. 他终归是个小学生。
- Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth. 斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。
- A little drop of scotch would be very welcome. 很想来一点儿酒。
- Mother cooked a hearty Scotch broth for dinner. 母亲为晚餐做了丰盛的苏格兰汤。
- The truth is so plain that a schoolboy knows it. 这个浅显的道理连小学生都明白。
- The Scotch gardener touched his hat to me. 那苏格兰园丁用手碰了碰帽边,向我打招乎。
- The schoolboy fell off his bike yesterday. 这个男生昨天从自行车上摔了下来。
- Centre-half and an England schoolboy international. 中前卫,英格兰学生代表队成员。
- I'll have a double scotch, please. 请给我来个双份的苏格兰威士忌。
- The teacher was sacked for slapping a schoolboy. 那位教师因为打了一名男生耳光给解雇了。
- These facts are familiar even to every schoolboy. 这些事实甚至小学生都熟悉。