- The cloud gives all its gold to the departing sun and greets the rising moon with only a pale smile. 云彩把它所有的黄金给予落山的太阳,却只用苍白的一笑招呼初升的月亮。
- On the hill-top above me sat the rising moon: pale yet as a cloud, but brightening momentarily. 在我上面,初升的月亮挂在山顶上空,虽然跟云朵一样苍白,但是刹那间变得非常明亮。
- The rising moon awakes the mountain birds; to sound the gully with a cry or two. 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。
- The cloud gives all its gold to the departing sun and greet the rising moon with only a pale smile . 云彩把它所有的黄金都给了西沉的太阳,却仅仅用一丝苍白的微笑问候升起的月亮。
- The clould gives all its gold to the departing sun and greet the rising moon with only a pale smile. 云彩把它所有的黄金都给了西沉的太阳;却仅仅用一丝苍白的微笑问候升起的月亮.
- We have seen, of the flowers, and the swallows, the setting sun and the rising moon, and all sorts of important things. 我们已经知道,谈花、燕子、落山的太阳、初升的月亮,所有这一类重要的东西。
- The main ritual on this day centres around a bonfire ceremoniously kindled at the time of the rising moon. 这一天的主要仪式是,在月亮升起时举行隆重的篝火点燃仪式。
- Patchy clouds in front of the rising moon created [url=]crepuscular rays[/url] streaming across the night sky in spectacular fashion. 月亮前方的片状云彩产生了特别壮观的天空暮光。
- Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. 随之,一轮巨大的红月由林间冉冉浮升,且因尘埃和暑汽之故而形态颇异。
- When the first light of the rising moon touched the sail, illuminating the boat with pearly radiance, Ruth moved away from him. 初升的月儿的第一缕光线落到了帆上,用它珍珠般的柔辉照亮了小船。
- Through the window, in the faint light of the rising moon, Tara stretched before her, negroes gone, acres desolate, barns ruined, like a body bleeding under her eyes, like her own body, slowly bleeding. 从窗口向外望,只见月亮正冉冉上升,淡淡的光华照着塔拉农庄在她面前伸展,但是黑人走了,田地荒芜,仓库焚毁,像个血淋淋的躯体躺在她的眼前,又像她自己的身子在缓缓地流血。
- Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame.Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. 突然,山头自己也似乎燃起火焰,一会儿,一轮又大又红的月亮从树林中慢慢现出身来,夏天空气中弥漫的灰尘与湿气令它显得异常怪异。
- Suddenly,the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame:then,the rising moon,huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere,loomed up out of the woods. 突然,山脊也像在火焰中燃烧:尔后,升起来的月亮,又大又红,夏天的灰尘和汗气把月亮弄成了怪诞的畸形,从树林中慢慢地出现了。
- This alluring telephoto view of the twilight scene is a composite of images taken roughly every two minutes beginning shortly after Sunset, following the rising Moon as it moves up and to the right. 这张迷人的黄昏影像是用长焦镜头拍摄到的一幅组合画面,日落后随着月球的升起,在上升到右方的过程中,大约每两分钟拍摄一次月亮,之后通过合成处理才出现上面的影像。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- Watching the rising moon on star altar 夜上星坛看月明
- a rising moon showed up the wild seascape. 月亮慢慢升起,广阔的海景变得格外醒目。
- Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon. 巴里很难得去看望他父母一次。
- Last night there was a full moon. 昨晚是满月。
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。