- 24h食管pH监测 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring
- 24h动态胃pH监测 24 h pH monitoring
- 24h动态食管pH监测 24 hours continuous esophageal pH monitoring
- pH监测 pH monitoring
- 食管pH监测 Esophageal pH monitoring
- 采用多指标分析在食道24小时pH监测中的意义 The significance of multiple index analysis in the esophageal 24-hour pH monitoring
- 24小时食管pH监测和内镜检查在胃食管反流病的诊断价值 Diagnostic Value of 24 Hour Esophageal pH Monitoring and Endoscopy in GERD
- 船用ph值 shipboard PH meter
- 从1993年开始施行贲门斜行套叠术,全部病人术后24h食管pH监测证明手术成功。 Since 1993, COI have been performed in 24 patients, which were proved to be successful by 24 - hour esophageal pH monitoring postoperatively.
- 低pH low pH
- PH-20 PH-20
- 本底值监测 background value monitoring
- ph复合电极 pH electrode assembly
- 顶板离层与监测 Roof Abscission Layer and Monitor
- ph.1. 嘲弄 take the mickey
- 过热现象是通过并联或内置在电机定子绕组的正常闭合开关来进行监测的。 Over-temperature is detected by a normally-closed switches connected in series and embedded in the motor stator windings.
- 尿pH值 Urinary pH
- 监测试片 monitoring coupon
- V-pH图 V - pH diagram
- 混凝pH coagulation pH