- 24h食管pH监测 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring
- 24h动态食管pH监测 24 hours continuous esophageal pH monitoring
- 24小时食管pH监测和内镜检查在胃食管反流病的诊断价值 Diagnostic Value of 24 Hour Esophageal pH Monitoring and Endoscopy in GERD
- 食管pH监测 Esophageal pH monitoring
- 从1993年开始施行贲门斜行套叠术,全部病人术后24h食管pH监测证明手术成功。 Since 1993, COI have been performed in 24 patients, which were proved to be successful by 24 - hour esophageal pH monitoring postoperatively.
- 24h食管pH值 24hour pH value
- pH监测 pH monitoring
- 肥厚性幽门狭窄手术前后胃食管pH动态改变。 Pre-and post-operative dynamic changes of gastroesophageal pH of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in children.
- 24h动态胃pH监测 24 h pH monitoring
- 24小时食管pH及压力测定对胆总管囊肿术后胃食管反流的监测 Ambulatory 24-hour manometric and pH metric evidence of gastroesophageal reflux after operation of congenital choledochal cysts
- 船用ph值 shipboard PH meter
- ph复合电极 pH electrode assembly
- 方法 采用下食管括约肌(LES)袖套式测压管、单晶锑pH 测定管,同步记录10 名志愿者空腹1 小时及餐后4 小时内的LES压力和食管pH 值。 Methods Low eresophagealsphincter( LES) pressure and in- tralum inal acidity w ere silm ultaneously recorded 1 hour before and 4 hours after the m eal using esophagealm anom etry and pH m onitoring devices in 10 young volunteers.
- 监测试片 monitoring coupon
- ph.1. 嘲弄 take the mickey
- 风监测 wind monitoring
- ph.1. 分期付款 installment payment
- 胸段食管鳞癌 Thoracic esophageal cancer
- 地铁监测 Subway Monitoring
- ph.1. 海军少校 lieutenant commander