We believe the experience will improve the investigation of international mergence. 我们相信这一经验将有助于促进世界性合并研究的进行。
Association computation rules and their mergence were constructed to reduce the scale of the decision table. 再次,进一步构造出基于粗糙集的关联运算法则及规则合并,以缩小决策表规模。
To explore mergence of art education and science education in higher school is a hot topic in higher education research in recent years. 摘要探索高等学校人文教育与科学教育的融合是近年来高等教育研究的一个热点问题。
This article is to analyze the roots of separation and antithesis between the science spirit and human spirit, and seek the ways of their return and mergence. 本文就是要分析科学精神与人文精神分离对立的根源并探求科学精神与人文精神重归融合之道。