- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- Bidder shall have the right to refuse to grant such an extension of validity of bid without forfeit their bid bond. 投标人有权拒绝延长投标有效期限并不会因此而失掉其投标保证金。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested . 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- extension of validity of bids [经] 投标有效期的延长
- What is the period of validity of this L/C? 这张信用证的有效期是多久?
- The period of validity of the agreement has expired. 本协议的有效期已过。
- The expansion of patent embodies in the extension of the validity of patent right in respect of duration and scope. 摘要专利权的扩张体现于专利权效力在时间和范围上的延展。
- The Borrower fully understood that the L/C could not be withdrawn or refundable for cash other than extension of validity dates after the L/C has being issued. 借款方应充分了解,除非信用证开出后延长有效期日期,信用证不可以现金方式撤回或退还。
- The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years. 合同的有效期限不超过十年。
- What is the period of validity of the letter of credit? 信用证的有效期有多长?
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- The period of validity of each renewal of registration shall be ten years. 每次续展注册的有效期为十年。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- If any special circumstance occurs prior to the expiration of the original valid period of tenders, the tenderee may, in written form, ask all tenderers for the extension of valid tendering period. 在原投标有效期结束前,出现特殊情况的,招标人可以书面形式要求所有投标人延长投标有效期。
- These are discussed in point No. 3 of Validation of Hardware. 对此的讨论在硬件验证第3部分。
- On this event, the Party responsible for the delays (Seller in delivery or Buyer in unloading) will have to bear the costs for the extension of the validity of the Letter of Credit as well as the costs of storage in the Port of Loading. 如延长,承担延迟责任的一方(卖方因交付或买方因卸货)必须承担延长信用证有效期和存储在装货港的费用。
- Article 12 The term of validity of an import licence shall be one year. 第十二条 进口货物许可证的有效期限为一年。
- Article 26 The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years. 第二十六条 合同的有效期限不超过十年。
- This extension of the retainer is a validation of Ruder Finn Global Connectivity strategic platform. 这延长聘是验证罗德全球连通的战略平台。
- Judicial certification of the validity of a will. 遗嘱检验文件遗嘱有效的法律证明文件