- Construction Renminbi stabilization of exchange rate mechanism. 构建人民币汇率稳定机制
- Exchange rate stability, meaning that for at least 2 years the currency has kept within the "normal" fluctuation margins of European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). 汇率的稳定性是指,至少在两年以内,现行货币的波动水平维持在欧洲汇率机制的正常范围之内。
- However, if the further development need be realized, the problems of exchange rate mechanism for Eastern Asia should be solved. 但是若要实现进一步的深化发展,则必须要解决东亚各国汇率机制如何选择问题。
- Exchange rate stability,meaning that for at least 2 years the currency has kept within the "normal" fluctuation margins of European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). 汇率的稳定性是指,至少在两年以内,现行货币的波动水平维持在欧洲汇率机制的正常范围之内。
- "Papazian quarter Moss suggested that more flexible exchange rate mechanism could help China to control the pace of growth of foreign exchange reserves. 帕帕季莫斯建议,更加灵活的汇率机制可以帮助中国控制外汇储备增长的步伐。
- With a dim dissociation, as if I were receiving reports from a distant planet, I heard that the Danes had rejected the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and that there was to be a memorial concert for Freddie Mercury at Wembley. 我有点迷失,仿佛我正在一个遥远的星球接收报告,我听到丹麦人否决了欧洲汇率机制,以及要为弗雷迪?摩克瑞(“皇后乐队”主唱)在温布利举行纪念演唱会的消息。
- And in 1989, even more controversially, he returned to help her in a dispute with her chancellor, Nigel Lawson, who wanted sterling to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, a prelude to the euro. 第二次是在1989年,这次他引起了更大的争议:撒切尔夫人同财长尼格尔.;劳森争执不下,后者希望让英镑加入欧洲汇率机制,也就是后来欧元的雏形,而艾伦爵士站到了撒切尔一方。
- Four Angles of Reform of Exchange Rate Mechanism 理解汇率机制改革的四个角度
- European Exchange Rate Mechanism ph. 欧洲汇率制
- reform of the exchange rate mechanism 汇率机制改革
- shifting RMB exchange rate mechanism 人民币汇率改革
- On RMB's Exchange Rate System and Its Exchange Rate Mechanism 论人民币汇率制度与汇率机制
- How to Set Up the Perfect RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism 如何建立完善的人民币汇率形成机制
- Exchange Rate Mechanism and Market Maker Rule: Driver and Cost 汇率形成机制与做市商制度:动因、成本分析
- The exchange rate today be250 Japanese yen to the pound. 今天的兑换率是1英镑换250日元。
- All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate. 所有经济部门都遭受到这次汇率下跌带来的损失。
- Reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism a reference currency basket thinking 人民币汇率机制改革中参考一篮子货币的思考
- The influence of new exchange rate mechanism of the yuan on battery makers 人民币汇率浮动对电池业的影响
- Model of Exchange Rate Mechanism Based on the Balance of International Payments 基于国际收支平衡的汇率机制模型
- It seems the exchange rate fluctuates almost daily. 外汇兑换率似乎每天都在上下波动。