without any doubt; sure
one or some that can be named
"set aside a certain sum each week"
"to a certain degree"
"certain breeds do not make good pets"
"certain members have not paid their dues"
"a certain popular teacher"
"a certain Mrs. Jones"
"felt certain of success"
"was sure (or certain) she had seen it"
"was very sure in his beliefs"
"sure of her friends"
"what is certain is that every effect must have a cause"
"it is certain that they were on the bus"
"his fate is certain"
"the date for the invasion is certain"
"he was certain to fail"
"his fate is certain"
"In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"
"he faced certain death"
"sudden but sure regret"
"he is sure to win"
"his fate is sealed"
"a quick and certain remedy"
"a sure way to distinguish the two"
"wood dust is a sure sign of termites"
"be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"
"be sure to lock the doors"
Payment of money on a day certain.
出自: H. J. Stephen
The fixed and certain oak.
出自: J. Arlott
I am certain/sure of his honesty.
I am certain/sure to see him tomorrow.
He is certain to come tomorrow.
He is certain of coming tomorrow.
I am not certain (about) where he lives.