- abbr. 十月(=October) Oct.
- 十月 October
- 关于October的用法见April词条中的示例。 For the use of october see the examples at april.
- 关於October的用法见april词条中的示例。 For the use of october see the examples at april.
- 十月一日是中国的国庆节。 October first is the National Day of China.
- 让我们把数据图上的日期写法由“10/1/99”改为“October 1,1999”。 Let's diddle the data line to read “October 1,1999”instead of “10/1/99.”
- 我想要到十月中旬。 By the middle of October, I think.
- abbr. 小大写字体(small capitals) s.c.
- 本合同从十月一日起生效。 The contract takes effect as of October1.
- 提示词: Thanksgiving day, October, November, together, dessert, turkey, Talk something about Thanksgiving Day in English with your partner.
- abbr. (=P&L) Profit and Loss, 损益 P. and L.
- 他去年十月参加了模拟考试。 He took his mocks last October.
- abbr. 大规模杀伤性武器(=weapon of mass destruction) W.M.D.
- 因此,它们名字来源自拉丁文的第七(SEPTEMBER),第八(OCTOBER),第九(NOVEMBER),和第十(DECEMBER)。 Their names therefore came from the Latin words for seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth.
- abbr. =maitre d'hotel (=head waiter) [法]餐厅侍者总管 maitre d'
- 照片在博物馆展出到十月。 The photographs are on show at the museum until October.
- 因此,它们名字来源自拉丁文的第七(SEPTEMBER),第八(OCTOBER),第九(NOVEMBER),和第十(december)。 Their names therefore came from the Latin words for seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth.
- abbr. 世界产业工人联盟(=Industrial Workers of the World) I.W.W.
- 十月中旬 mid-October
- abbr. 地方检察官 D.A.