- Y染色体连锁 Y
- Y染色体连锁的 Y-linked
- X染色体连锁 X-linkage
- G-带分析表明,安哥拉山羊与本地山羊除Y染色体以外的所有染色体对的带型基本一致。 The analysis of G-banding illustrated that the appearance of bandingpatterns of all the chromosomes except for the Y chromosome werebasically similar between Angora and Native goats.
- 连锁 linkage
- 染色体连锁 chromosome linkage
- 大Y染色体 Big Y chromosome
- 染色体 chromosome
- 染色体连锁群 linkage group
- Y染色体标记同种异体大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞心肌移植研究 Y Chromosome Labeled Allogeneic Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation into Infarcted Rat Myocardium
- 染色体连锁图 linkage chromosome map; linkage map
- 人类Y染色体 human Y-chromosome
- X染色体连锁疾病 X-linked disease
- Y染色体 Y chromosome
- 6个Y染色体STR基因座遗传多态性及其在亲子鉴定中的应用 Genetic polymorphisms of 6 Y-chromosome specific STR loci in southern Han population of China and its application in paternity testing
- X染色体连锁凋亡抑制蛋白 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein
- 短Y染色体 short Y chromosome
- Y染色体环连 Y-linkage
- X染色体连锁的凋亡抑制蛋白 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis
- Y染色体异常 Anomaly of chromosome Y