- Y染色体异常 Anomaly of chromosome Y
- 异常 exceptional
- G-带分析表明,安哥拉山羊与本地山羊除Y染色体以外的所有染色体对的带型基本一致。 The analysis of G-banding illustrated that the appearance of bandingpatterns of all the chromosomes except for the Y chromosome werebasically similar between Angora and Native goats.
- 染色体异常 chromosomal anomaly
- 大Y染色体 Big Y chromosome
- 根系急性吸收1,2,4-三氯苯诱发大蒜根尖细胞染色体异常 Effects of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene on the Chromosome Abnormalities in Root Meristematic Cells of A. Sativum Seedlings
- Y染色体标记同种异体大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞心肌移植研究 Y Chromosome Labeled Allogeneic Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation into Infarcted Rat Myocardium
- XYY染色体异常 XYY chromosomal abnormality
- 人类Y染色体 human Y-chromosome
- X染色体异常 Anomaly of chromosome X
- Y染色体不分离 Y chromosomal nondisjunction
- Y染色体微卫星 Y chromosome specific microsatellites
- 性染色体异常 sex chromosomal abnormality
- 常染色体异常 autosomal abnormalities
- Y染色体多态性 Y chromsome polymorphism
- Y染色体基因座 Y-chromosome locus
- 5号染色体异常 chromosome 5 aberration
- 8号染色体异常 chromosome 8 aberration
- Y染色体微缺失 Y chromosome microdeletion
- 新生儿染色体异常 neonatal chromosome disorder