- Y型喷嘴 Y-jet atomizer
- Y型喷嘴内部气液两相流动及液膜雾化的数学模型 Mathematical Modeling on the Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in the Y-Jet Nozzle and Its Atomization Process
- Y型喷嘴的流动和雾化的数学模型及其在增湿活化器上的应用 Mathematic Model of Y-Jet Nozzle Flow and Atomization and Its Application to Humidification Activator
- Y型喷嘴性能的数值分析 Numerical analysis of performance of Y-jet atomizer
- Y型喷嘴液膜随机破碎模型研究 Mathematical Modeling on Random Breakup Characteristics of Liquid Sheet Shed from Y-Jet Nozzle
- 型的 thysanuriform
- 圆型喷嘴 circular nozzle
- 针型喷嘴 needle-shape nozzle
- 螺旋型喷嘴 spiral nozzle
- Hema型喷嘴 H ema nozzle
- 扩散型喷嘴 divergent channel; expansion nozzle; divergent bore nozzle
- X-Y型天线座 X-Y type antenna pedestal
- Taslan型喷嘴 Taslan nozzle
- 空圆锥型喷嘴 hollow cone nozzle
- Y型联接 y-connection
- 文丘里型喷嘴 Venturi nozzle
- 环型喷嘴的实验分析 Experimental Study of Ring Nozzle
- Y型刚构 Y Type Rigid Frame
- 标准型喷嘴口解剖体模块 Cutway Model Standard Orifice Plate
- 弯杆型喷嘴挤压模设计 Design of Extrusion Die for Fuel Injector with Curve Rods