- Y型刚构 Y Type Rigid Frame
- 大跨径拱与Y型刚构组合桥的横向联结系对全桥稳定性的影响研究 Effect of Lateral Coupling System of Combination Bridge of Long-Span Arch and Y-style Frame on the Overall Stability of the Bridge
- T型刚构 T rigid-frame bridge
- V型刚构 V rigid structure
- T型刚构桥 T rigid frame bridge
- X-Y型天线座 X-Y type antenna pedestal
- Y型联接 y-connection
- V型刚架 V-type frame
- Y型支架 Y- shaped stent
- 复型刚毛 compound seta(动)
- Y型喷嘴 Y-jet atomizer
- Y形刚构 Y-shape rigid-frame structure
- 伪复型刚毛 pseudocompound seta(动)
- Y型节点 Y-joint
- 拱型刚架桥 arch rigid-frame bridge
- Y型岔管 Y-shaped branch pipe
- Y型明渠 Y-shaped open-channel
- T型刚构桥梁的加固 Reinforcement of T-Shaped Rigid-Frame Bridges
- Y型截骨 Y-shaped osteotomy
- 具有共轭刚性AB型刚柔嵌段共聚物的合成、表征及其自组装研究 Synthesis, Characterization and Self-Assemble of AB Rod-Coil Diblock Copolymers Containing Conjugated Rod Block