- X线电视引导 X - ray television guidance
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- 互补色法显示立体X线电视 Stereo X-ray TV Using Complementary Color Separation Display
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- X线电视诊断 teleroentgen diagnosis
- X线电视诊断用高电压装置 unit for x-ray television diagnosis, high tension
- 方法应用BOSTON公司及BALT公司球囊导管及球囊,在X线电视监视下经右股动脉插管。 在球囊内注入适量等渗非离子造影剂(优维显)闭塞瘘口。 Methods Using Boston Company and Balt Company balloon catheters and balloon, catheterization through femoral artery under fluoroscopy were performed with isosmotic and nonionic contrast agent for displaying the fistula.
- X线电视 roentgen television; RTV; X-ray television
- X线诊断车 X-ray diagnosis vehicle
- 一种X线电视 Plumbicon
- X线电视成像 roentgen video imaging
- X线影像诊断 radiographic diagnosis
- X线电视系统 teleroentgen system
- X线影象增强器电视(五) X-ray television with image intensifer (5)
- X线电视影像 roentgen video image
- 断层X线电视 tomographic X-ray television
- 医用X线诊断 Medical X-ray diagnosis
- C型臂X线电视 Arcoskop
- X线影象增强器电视(六) X-ray television with image intensifier (6)
- C形臂X线电视 Arcoskop