- X线影像诊断 radiographic diagnosis
- 讨论了判读 X 线影像诊断骨龄的基本方法:G-P 图谱法和 TW20计分法。 The basic method of bone age diagnosis:G-P spectrum and TW_2 scoring sys-tem is studied.
- 儿童股骨头无菌性坏死的骨盆X线影像变化 Changes of Pelvic X-ray Images of Legg-Perthes Disease
- 在线 in-line
- 髁突颈部骨折开放复位术临床及X线影像分析 Evaluation of Open Treatment of Fracture of Condylar Process by X-ray Examination
- X线放射影像诊断系统 X-ray radiation image diagnosis system
- X线影像 X-ray image
- 正X线影像 orthoscopic view
- X线诊断车 X-ray diagnosis vehicle
- X线影像放大 x-ray image magnification
- 医用X线诊断 Medical X-ray diagnosis
- X线影像轮廓 roentgenographic delineation
- 肩峰骨赘的X线诊断 Diagnosis of X-ray Arthrography in the Osteophyte of Acromion
- 液气胸X线影像 Xrays image of hydropneumothorax
- X线计算机/诊断 X- ray computed/diagnosis
- X线影像测量法 roentgenometry
- 耻骨骨炎的X线诊断 X-ray Diagnosis of Osteitis Pubis
- X线影像对比度 radiographic contrast
- 医用诊断X线工作者 Medical Diagnostic X-ray Wordcrs
- X线影像受照区 X-ray image reception area