- The storm in the countryside, though distant, nevertheless reverberated in the yamens of the Nanking government. 农村的暴风骤雨虽然离得还远,但是南京政府的衙门里已经可以听到它的震响。
- All the Big Shots of the Nanking government also came here to have medical treatment, and sometimes took away a nurse to become a new wife. 南京政府所有的头面人物也都来这里看病,有时还带走个护士做姨太太。”
- The Red Army sent an open telegram on May 5,1936 demanding that the Nanking government end the civil war,conduct peace negotiations with the Communists for unity against Japan. 见一九三六年五月五日中国红军要求南京政府停战议和一致抗日的通电。
- Under the pressure of the Japanese aggressors'attacks and the Chinese people's indignation,the Nanking government is beginning to make up its mind to fight. 南京政府在日寇进攻和人心愤激的压迫下,已经开始下定了抗战的决心。
- Whither the water of the stream? 河里的流水又奔向何方?
- The wagon must go whither the horses draw it. 马拉到哪里,车就得跟到哪里。
- The waggon must go whither the horses draw it. 谚---马拉到哪里,车就跟到哪里;胳膊扭不过大腿。
- On the System of Political Tutelage of the Nanking Government 南京国民政府训政体制论
- The Nanjing Government determined the nature of military dissension broken out between Xikang and Tibet in 1930 to be local dispute and opposed to the interference of Britain. 南京国民政府将 1930年爆发的康藏纠纷定性为地方性冲突事件 ,反对英国插手干涉 ;
- The whole country requested the Nanjing Government to launch a war of resistance against Japan. Chiang, however, insisted on summoning up all forces to first deal with the CCP. 全国各界民众要求抗日救亡,但蒋介石南京政府则采取先安内,后攘外的政策,继续剿共。
- However, Beiping and Tianjin fell to the Japanese because of the Japanese peace negotiation conspiracy and the Nanjing government's suspects with the authorities of Heibei. 因日方实施和谈阴谋,以及南京政府与冀察当局的相互猜忌,平津相继落入敌手。
- Recently, the Nanjing government rent in the real estate development sector enterprises stripped of their special tax assessment Tax Evasion "evildoer's disguise. 日前,南京市地税部门在对房地产开发企业进行专项纳税评估中扒光了其偷漏税的“画皮”。
- JIANG Jie-shi Nanking government is reined by GMD in name. 摘要蒋介石南京政府名义上是国民党统治下的政权。
- Landed on the shores whither the storm had tossed them. 在暴风雨吹到的海岸登陆。
- May I reserve a seat on the Nanjing train leaving at8:30 this evening? 我可以在今晚8点30分开往南京的火车上预定一个座位吗?
- Whither the Welfare State, Zhou Hong, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2006. 福利国家向何处去,周弘,社会科学文献出版社,2006年。
- It is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road. 是该冲出去到南京路的时候了。
- Stock market development under globalization : whither the gains from reforms ? 全球化下股市发展:改革是否有益?
- Isn't this the Nanjing University? 请问是南京大学吗?