- The Duke of Aosta was a cousin of the King of Italy. 阿奥斯塔公爵是意大利国王的堂兄弟。
- Eva Domingo from Hospital Vall d’Hebron, in a press release. 多明戈医生指出很多临床试验都会将老年患者“系统地排除在外”。
- In Aosta, northern Italy, Nico Rosberg won a poker tournament in the week before the Spanish grand prix. 在奥斯塔,意大利北部罗斯伯格获得了扑克比赛的一周之前的西班牙大奖赛。
- The narrow Vall de Boi is situated in the high Pyrenees, in the Alta Ribagorca region and is surrounded by steep mountains. 博伊谷地位于西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚自治区的比利牛斯山区,周围被群山环抱。
- This law is currently being discussed in thet nited States and it will outlaw vall hardware without such controlling capabilities. 这项法律目前正在美国讨论,而它将会宣布所有没有这样子控制能力的硬件是非法的。
- It has a vital significance in improving the wetland water environment,preserving the wetland biodiversity,and maintaining the vall... 这对于改善湿地水环境,更好地维持湿地生物多样性,维护流域的生态安全和生产生活活动都具有重要意义。
- Located in the village of La Massana, the Hotel Magic La Massana is set only 50 metres from the ski lift that runs to the Vall Nord ski resort. 这间迷人的酒店坐落于安道尔市中心,距离镇公所只有50米,和附近最近的滑雪胜地相隔7公里。
- Boulkheir and Daddah joined fellow opposition candidates Ely Ould Mohamed Vall and Hamadi Ould Meimou in denouncing what they call an "electoral coup d'etat. 布尔凯尔和达达赫同反对派候选人瓦尔和梅牟共同谴责这场他们所说的“竞选政变”。
- In the back were two fellow Salesian nuns, aged 65 and 78, who had jumped in the car in Turin when news broke of Pope Benedict's fall near Aosta, where he is spending his summer holiday. 汽车后座上还坐着两位同属撒勒爵会的修女,一位65岁,另一位78岁,她们一听到在奥斯塔附近度假的教皇本笃十六世滑倒的消息,就在都灵跳上了车。
- The new 90 foot high tech catamaran belonging to America's Cup defender Alinghi is airlifted on August 7, 2009 near Aosta, Italy, flying from Switzerland over the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea. 新的90英尺高的高科技双体船,属于美洲杯帆船赛阿灵基,是空运后卫于2009年8月7日附近的奥斯塔,意大利飞越瑞士阿尔卑斯山到地中海。
- In the back were two fellowSalesian nuns, aged 65 and 78, who had jumped in the car in Turin whennews broke of Pope Benedict's fall near Aosta, where he is spending hissummer holiday. 坐在后座的是两位慈幼会的修女,一位65岁,一位78岁,她们是得知教皇大人在奥斯塔附近度假时不慎跌倒的消息后,在都林上车的。
- We Mainly Produce The Investment Castings Which Are Used In Aircraft, Military, Transfer And Medical Machine Systems Etc.They Are Of Thin Vall, Vomplex, Precision, Stronger, Smooth Surface Of Aluminum, Copper, Carbon Steel Etc. 航空、航天、军事、电子通信等行业用的铝合金、铜合金、碳钢等材质的熔模精密铸件。
- Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boi 瓦尔-德-波伊的加泰罗尼亚地区罗马式教堂
- vAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
- Valled' Aosta vt. 把…神话;为…奉若神明
- he also worked in Aosta, Padova, Vicenza, and Venice. 他也曾在奥斯塔,帕多瓦,维琴察和威尼斯等多个城市工作。
- The content of this page is from the AOSTA port or AOSTA customs import and export company directory; 本页面内容主要是来自AOSTA港口或AOSTA海关的进出口公司目录;
- State secretary in charge of bas ic education and illiteracy: mohamed lemine ould moham ed vall 基础教育和扫盲国务秘书:穆罕默德·拉明·乌尔德·穆罕默德·瓦勒
- vAll goods and samples have to passed below tests and inspections before send to customer . 任何一件产品必须通过以下检查或测试方可派送给客户.
- vAll the love that history knows ,is said tobe in every rose.Yet all that could be found in two , is less than what Ifeel for you . 据说,每朵玫瑰花里面都有历史上所有的爱情;但两朵玫瑰花里所有的,也比不上我对你的感觉。