- TDS连接的缺省值是OFF。 The default for TDS connections is OFF.
- 更改TDS连接的选项设置 To change the option settings for TDS connections
- 无法确定INI文件的位置。使用XX的缺省值。 Unable to determine ini file location. Using the default of XX.
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 用某种能量存储或散逸装置相互连接的物体则是这种情况的另一例子。 Bodies connected to each other by certain energy storage or energy dissipation devices furnish additional examples.
- 可以使用当前日期作为某一列的缺省值,来记录任何用户或客户端应用程序操作的事务日期。 A column can have a current date default value for recording the date of transactions with any user or client application action.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 如果没有提供FOR子句,扩展选项将充当发布的缺省值,并被为同步用户设置的任何扩展选项所覆盖。 If no FOR clause is provided, the extended options act as default settings for the publication, and are overridden by any extended options set for a synchronization user.
- 我承认他年老体衰,然而尽管如此,他仍是优秀的政治家。 I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician.
- 受伤后骨的关节不如从前连接的好。 After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.
- 如果可以的话,我想纠正一下您说的话:在我国,在职培训是依法必须进行的。 If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.
- 系统中互相连接的点。 A point in a system where interconnections occur.
- 单键连接的 single bonded
- 连接的角色。 The role of the connection.
- 所显示出来的设置值为缺省值,在大多数情况下是合适的。 The settings show is defaults that is adequate for most situation.
- 与楔形骨连接的牛的上部腰肉。 part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone.
- 连接的端口总数 Total Number of Connected Ports
- 支路连接的应用 Standard Practice for Use of Branch Connections
- 无线连接的设想 Assumptions about the Radio Link
- 您想要通过直接连接的方法暂时绕过SOCKS,直至SOCKS可用为止吗? Do you wish to temporarily override SOCKS by connecting directly until SOCKS are available again?