- 更改TDS连接的选项设置 To change the option settings for TDS connections
- 该过程仅为使用TDS通信协议的连接设置选项。 The procedure sets options only for connections that use the TDS communications protocol.
- 在安装过程中,会有保存系统文件的选项以便使你可以在以后卸掉Windows95。 During setup, you have the option of saving your system files so that you can uninstall window95 later.
- 默认设置 default setting
- 重新设置 reinstall
- 对于Excel项目来说,您选择的选项一直有效,直到您更改该选项为止。 The option that you select will remain in effect for Excel projects until you change it.
- 受伤后骨的关节不如从前连接的好。 After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.
- 命令文件中的选项和文件名将根据CL环境变量中或命令行上的命令文件名的位置被进行处理。 Options and filenames in a command file are processed according to the location of a command filename within the CL environment variable or on the command line.
- TDS端点的设置记录在注册表中。 The settings for the TDS endpoints are recorded in the registry.
- 单键连接的 single bonded
- 此选项设置CPU必须低于什么使用率级别才能变为空闲状态。 This sets the usage level that the CPU must fall below before it is considered idle.
- 连接的角色。 The role of the connection.
- 与楔形骨连接的牛的上部腰肉。 part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone.
- 发件模式的选项 Options specific to sendmail mode
- 在“更改计划的设置”页面上,单击“更改高级电源设置”。 On the Change settings for the plan page, click Change advanced power settings.
- 连接的物理元件。 The physical element that is linked.
- 撤消自动格式的选项 Options for undoing automatic formatting
- 互相连接的公寓 apartments that communicate.
- 数据库将TRUSTWORTHY选项设置为ON。 Do not set the TRUSTWORTHY option to ON for the.
- 页个性化设置范围是页上的个性化设置更改所应用的用户范围。 Page personalization scope is the range of users to which personalization changes on a page can apply.