- TCR肽 TCR peptide
- TCRα12-2 TCRα12-2
- 二肽 dipeptide
- TCRαβT细胞 TCRαβT cell
- 信号肽 signal peptide
- TCRγδT细胞 TCRγδTcell
- C肽 C-peptide
- 温度电阻系数TCR temperature coefficient of resistant (TCR)
- 胞壁肽 muramyl peptide
- CDR3取代型γδTCR γδTCR with specific CDR3 sequence
- 血浆激肽 plasmakinin; plasmokinin
- 晶闸管控制电抗器(TCR) TCR
- 氨肽酶 aminopeptidase
- TCR控制及数学模型的研究 On TCR Controlling and Its Mathematics Model
- 八肽 octapeptide
- 抗CD20单链抗体-CD8-TCRζ anti-CD20 scFv-CD8-TCRζ fusion gene
- 血管活性肽 vasoactive peptide
- 晶闸管控制型电抗器(TCR) thyristor-controlled reactor(TCR)
- 阿片样肽 opioid peptides
- TCR阀高电压试验方式中的损耗分析 Loss Analysis of TCR Valve under High Voltage Test Mode