- 抗CD20单链抗体-CD8-TCRζ anti-CD20 scFv-CD8-TCRζ fusion gene
- 抗CD20单抗(利妥昔单抗) anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody
- 噬菌体呈现技术筛选抗黑色素瘤单链抗体 The screen of anti- melanoma single chain antibody by phage display technology
- 报销单 expense account
- 表单 memu
- 运单 freight note
- 钥匙链 key chain
- 下单 place an order
- 粘贴链接 paste link
- 抗衰 anti-ageing; senile-resistant
- 锚链 cable chain
- 领料单 call slip
- 这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。 This special coating is designed to resist rust.
- 直链淀粉 amylose
- 单挑 challenge; work on one's own
- 直链 linear chain
- 抗-HBe抗体 anti - HBe anntibody
- 明细单 bill of particulars
- 抗LKM-1抗体 anti- LKM- 1 antibody