- TCP/IP通信协议栈 TCP/IP communication protocol stack
- 本文通信系统采用INTERNET的TCP/IP通信协议,通过DDN线路在服务器与营业终端之间实现图像数据文件的远程网上传输。 The communication system in this paper adopts Internet TCP/IPprotocol, which can transmit the image data file between the server andbusiness terminals through DDN line.
- ZigBee无线通信协议栈 ZigBee wireless communication protocol stack
- IP通信 IP communication
- 4) 针对目前开源协议栈LwIP进行了详细分析,并利用UML描述了TCP协议实现。 4) Aiming at the detailed analyzing of present open-source protocol stack LwIP,the thesis describes the implemention of TCP protocol based UML.
- 移动IP通信 mobile IP communication
- 协议栈 protocol stack
- 集成IP通信带来了什么? What would Integrated IP Communication Bring about for Enterprises?
- 通信协议栈 communication protocol stack
- 安全规则根据条件,如IP筛选器列表中的源、目标、IP通信类型来决定启动安全的方式和时间。 A security rule governs how and when security is invoked based upon criteria, such as the source, destination, and type of IP traffic, in the security rule's IP filter list.
- OpenH323是一个开放源码的VoIP(VoiceoverIP)协议栈,支持H. OpenH323 is an open source VoIP(Voice over IP)protocol stack.
- 一种新型远程抄表系统的集中抄表器设计及通信协议研究 Study on remote reading meter's protocol of a new kind and design of the concentrated reading meter system
- android平台为移动设备提供了一个软件协议栈,包括操作系统、中间件和关键应用。 The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications
- USS通信协议 USS communication protocol
- 协议栈的TCP层聚合了两次写操作。 The TCP layer of the stack has aggregated the two writes.
- CCM通信协议 CCM protocols
- 双协议栈 dual stack
- EPA通信协议 EPA communication protocol
- EPA协议栈 EPA Protocol
- I2C通信协议 I2C bus communication protocol