- 移动IP通信 mobile IP communication
- IP通信 IP communication
- TCP/IP通信协议栈 TCP/IP communication protocol stack
- 集成IP通信带来了什么? What would Integrated IP Communication Bring about for Enterprises?
- 暂时性家乡代理移动IP解决方案研究 A Temporary Home Agent Scheme in Mobile IP
- 移动IP多播通信面临的问题及解决方案 Analysis of Problems and Resolutions about Mobile IP Multicasting
- 移动IP网络多层次移动支持机制的研究 Study of multi-layer mobile support mechanism in IP network
- 安全规则根据条件,如IP筛选器列表中的源、目标、IP通信类型来决定启动安全的方式和时间。 A security rule governs how and when security is invoked based upon criteria, such as the source, destination, and type of IP traffic, in the security rule's IP filter list.
- 移动IP的分层管理及在CDMA中的实现技术 The Hierarchical Management of Mobile IP and Its Implementation in CDMA
- 本文通信系统采用INTERNET的TCP/IP通信协议,通过DDN线路在服务器与营业终端之间实现图像数据文件的远程网上传输。 The communication system in this paper adopts Internet TCP/IPprotocol, which can transmit the image data file between the server andbusiness terminals through DDN line.
- 铁路移动通信 railway mobile communication
- 一种基于无线局域网的移动IP快速切换方案 A Fast Handoff Scheme of Mobile IP for Wireless LAN Networks
- 日本移动通信公司 Japan Mobile Telecom Corp.
- 3G移动通信 3G mobile communication
- 一种动态的分层次的临时家乡代理移动IP解决方案 A Dynamic Hierarchic Temporary Home Agent Scheme in Mobile IP
- 移动通信站 mobile communication station
- 实现了BACnet/IP通信规范和专有通信协议,采用C++面向对象技术,通过VC++6.0集成开发环境下的多线程编程,开发了运行在PC机上、Windows2000环境下的BACnet网关。 BACnet/IP communication criterion and private communication protocol have been implemented. With object Oriented C++programming technology,BACnet gateway has been developed under visual C++6.0integration deve-lopment environment. The BACnet gateway works on a PC,and under Windows2000operating system.
- 无移动通信 mobile telecommunication
- 移动IP mobile IP
- 宽带移动通信 broadband mobile communication