- Sendkeys函数Timer控件 Timer control unit
- Timer控件 Timer
- TComm控件 TComm
- 扩展控件 The Expansion Controls
- 容器控件 The vessel controls
- 控件的主类。 The main class for the control.
- SuperMap控件 SuperMap component
- TeeChart控件 TeeChart control
- TWebBrowser控件 TWebBrowser controller
- 在重绘控件时发生。 Occurs when the control is redrawn.
- MapObject2.0控件 The MapObject 2.0 controls
- 控件的目录一起使用的 Objects to be used with catalogs of
- 控件开发FTP客户端程序 Development of FTP Client-Side Program by Use of Internet Transfer Control
- 控件中创建行时发生。 Occurs when a row is created in a.
- 项目或控件的图标文件。 The icon file for the project or control.
- 要查找的控件的标识符。 The identifier for the control to be found.
- 对象替换Web部件控件时, Object replaces a Web Parts control, the
- 控件上添加了一个新列。 Observe that a new column is added to the.
- 控件中创建新行时发生。 Occurs when a new row is created in the.
- 确定停靠控件的边界边距。 Determines the border padding for docked controls.