- 控件开发FTP客户端程序 Development of FTP Client-Side Program by Use of Internet Transfer Control
- 使用Winsock控件开发服务器/客户端程序 Using the controlling part of Winsock to develop Server Client Procedure
- 标准MySQL客户端程序。你可能总是要安装该软件包。 The standard MySQL client programs. You probably always want to install this package.
- 使用数据控件开发数据库应用程序 Development of Database Application Program by Using Data Control
- 面向工艺设计的数控刀具管理控件开发 Development of process plan oriented NC cutter management activeX control
- 重写此方法以将自定义服务器控件发送到客户端。 Override this method to send your custom server control to the client.
- 管理系统中客户端程序是标准的Web浏览器,不需要重新开发客户端程序; 同时,Web服务中使用的主要协议HTTP的实现技术也比较成熟,所以提供基于Web的设备管理界面具有很高的性能价格比。 In the configure system, the client is the standard Web browser, and the main protocol Web technology use is mature, so providing web-based device management through embedded method has high quality-price rate.
- 此控件可用来显示用户输入,而该输入可能包含恶意的客户端脚本。 This control can be used to display user input, which might include malicious client script.
- 礼仪是一门综合性较强的行为科学,是指在人际交往中,自始至终地以一定的、约定俗成的程序、方式来表现的律己、敬人的完整行为。 Etiquette, as a fundamental behavioral science, refers to the consistent, customary procedures and formulas of the conduct that is completely reflected by self-restraint and respect for others within social interaction.
- 基于XUL开发富客户端应用程序 Develop Rich Client Web Application Based on XUL
- Power Pack是外接程序、控件、组件和工具,可帮助您开发Visual Basic应用程序。 Power Packs are add-ins, controls, components, and tools to aid you in developing Visual Basic applications.
- 网上成绩报送之客户端辅助程序的开发 Developing Client-side Program to Assist Submitting Score on Internet
- 因此,如果在某页上使用了需要客户端脚本的任何控件,该页就违反了WCAG标准。 Therefore, if you use any of the controls on a page that require client script, your page will not conform to WCAG standards.
- 典型的胖客户端应用程序是独立的可执行文件,具有由若干用户控件组成的图形界面。 The typical rich client application is a stand-alone executable with a graphical interface composed of several controls for the user.
- 该项调查主要针对企业开发商和决策提供者如系统综合者等,基本上覆盖了客户端和服务器应用程序开发。 The survey, featuring developers at enterprises and solution providers such as system integrators, covered both client and server application development.
- 针对每个客户端请求,.NET Framework将单个控件适配器映射到一个派生的WebControl对象。 The.NET Framework maps a single control adapter to a derived WebControl object for each client request.
- 在客户端和服务器端,您都可以创建自定义响应,例如控件中的颜色更改或标签文本的字体更改。 On both the client and server side you can create a custom response, such as a color change in a control or a font change for text on a label.
- 因此,当对浏览器呈现Web服务器控件时,ASP.NET将呈现JavaScript,此JavaScript使用所有定义的属性和事件处理程序创建客户端行为的实例。 Therefore, whenever the Web server control is rendered to the browser, ASP.NET renders JavaScript that creates an instance of the client behavior with all defined properties and event handlers.