- SO2监测 SO2 monitoring
- SO2浓度监测 detection of SO2 concentration
- 本底值监测 background value monitoring
- SO2 sulfur dioxide
- 顶板离层与监测 Roof Abscission Layer and Monitor
- 脱SO2 SO2 removal
- 过热现象是通过并联或内置在电机定子绕组的正常闭合开关来进行监测的。 Over-temperature is detected by a normally-closed switches connected in series and embedded in the motor stator windings.
- 大气SO2 atmospheric SO2
- 监测试片 monitoring coupon
- SO2变化 change of SO2
- SO2削减 cut sulfur dioxide emission
- 风监测 wind monitoring
- 排泄物监测 excretion monitoring
- SO2解吸 desorption of sulfur dioxide
- SO2排放 SO2 emission
- 罪监测 crop monitor
- GPS监测 GPS monitoring
- SO2污染 SO2 pollution
- SO2废气 SO2 waste gas
- 场监测 field estimation