- SO2浓度监测 detection of SO2 concentration
- SO2浓度 SO2 concentration
- 低SO2浓度 low SO2 concentration
- 进口SO2浓度 initial concentration of SO2
- 浓度 (n) viscosity; consistency; thickness
- 浓度监测 Concentration monitoring
- CO浓度监测 CO density detecting
- 浓度的 pH indicator
- 实验研究了影响半干半湿法脱硫效率的几种因素:温度、含湿量、SO2浓度、烟气停留时间、脱硫剂类型; This paper presents the relationship between desulfurization efficiency and the parameters of temperature, absolute humidity , fly ash , SO2 contentration, reacting time, etc.
- 粉尘浓度监测 dust concentration detecting
- SO2监测 SO2 monitoring
- 潮气末CO2浓度监测 end-tidal CO2 monitoring
- 低浓度 light concentration
- 大气粉尘物质浓度监测仪 airborne particle mass monitor
- 实验研究了影响脱硫率的各种因素:添加醋酸浓度、入口SO2浓度、石灰石浆液浓度、气体停留时间以及温度等,并提出添加醋酸促进SO2吸收的机理。 When using granular limestone(210 um)as sole absorbent without the presence of acetic acid, the SO_ 2 removal efficiency and limestone utilization were 60.7%25 and 44%25 respectively.
- 血药浓度监测 Serum concentration monitoring
- 药物浓度监测 Drug concentration monitoring
- SO2浓度与社会和环境因子的相关分析表明:SO2浓度与耗煤量、人口密度、废气排放量及工业总产值呈显著正相关(P<0.05),其中SO2浓度与耗煤量的相关系数最大. The correlative analyses indicated that there was a clear linear regression correlation between the SO2 concentration and the amount of burning coal,the population densities,the industry production,and so on.
- 烟尘浓度监测 soot density monitoring
- 低浓度SO2 low concentration SO2